Semaglutide, a weight loss miracle drug, can be used for adolescent weight loss and also helps with heart health

Not long ago, Semaglutide (trade name Wegovy), which became a popular "weight loss miracle drug" for helping the world's richest man Elon Musk successfully lose weight, has once again appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

This latest study shows that Somaglutide, which has been approved for weight loss in obese or overweight adults, can also help teenagers lose weight and contribute to heart health.

Semaglutide, a weight loss miracle drug, can be used for adolescent weight loss and also helps with heart health

The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on November 2, 2022. In this international phase 3a clinical trial, obese adolescents who used sorglutide once a week had a 16.1% decrease in body mass index (BMI), while the placebo group increased by 0.6%.

Semaglutide was developed by Novo Nordisk. Originally used to treat diabetes, it is a glucagon like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, which can simulate its effect to reduce hunger, diet and calorie intake, so it has outstanding effect on weight loss.

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